I'm Daniel Sellers
I currently work as the VP of Engineering at VozeSVP of Product & Technology at Lumio Osmosis. I program web applications in Javascript, Java, erlang, Ruby, Clojure and whatever else we are using, and fineātune user experience. In my spare time I take on freelance web development and graphic design gigs run ansble llc, a consulting firm, design board games, race bicycles for Ride Domestique SaltCycle-Kestrel Wellness Cicada Racing and help run HackNight SLC Silicon Slopes SLC. When I'm not working on the web, I like to take long walks on the beach. Just kidding. I like to bike, read, run, play the banjo guitar, build create awesome stuff, and learn.
You can also find me on twitter, instagram, vimeo, Ride Domestique, First Song in my Head, spotify, dribble, flickr, and github.
This site is built with serverless and hosted on AWS cloud infrastructure. Fonts are League Spartan and Space Mono.
Colors are designed for high contrast for a11y reasons and fun.