
I crave the yearnings of another time
When my soul's peaceful desires
Drove me into the simple embrace of the woods.

When solace was my one desire.

I yearn for the cravings of a younger time
When the body's needs rang loudly
in my ears.

When hungers were easily sated.

Age seems to bring yearning
Mixed with nostalgia
Looking toward a far future
Pointed up and back and out.

Cravings fade as
The present slides to past
First rising in sharp pang
Then slowly falling away
Shedding earthly ties
Transitioning to yearnings.

I am now an estuary of both
Where my soul's cravings are
Yearnings for transcendence
Where my body's cravings are
To feel and be.
Published: 2024-04-27T04:43:00.000Z