Search Results: API
Spotify Archivist
So for the last 10 years I've been adding songs to my Spotify liked songs. It's great but every once in a while a song comes on and I think... "do I really still like this song?" … [more]
Tech Things I read in 2018
This is going to be a pretty straightforward list of what tech related reading I did this year. It doesn’t include hundreds of blog posts and forum discussion. I’ll break it into two ca… [more]
design and the internet as ephemera
Hang tight... this is going to get a little esoteric.
The expirement really begins with three realizations. 1) That no one seems to agree on the direction that previous and next should be i… [more]
Over the past several years I’ve been working on a new application framework for nodejs. Monument is currently on it’s second major release.
What is Monument
Monument is fo… [more]
Death to Jquery
Yesterday I presented ’Death to jQuery’ at Pandamonium, our internal Tech Conference at Instructure, because honestly it’s time.
jQuery was critical to the development of th… [more]
estimations and theory building
My team lead at Instructure, more]
2015: in review
It is said that change is the only constant and that certainly proved true this year around here in 2015. I started the year working as a Front End Stack team (core team) member for the LDS Church … [more]
Thoughts on Components and stuff
TLDR: Create small shared granular components for everything, and a "view" is just an ordered collection of components.
Warning: this is rambly and mostly a brain dump. Read on...
C… [more]
REST vs. RPC and a mention of HATEOS
This is a modified and expanded version of an email I sent a few days ago, here for public consumption.
So RPC is great, right? I need to do X to my data so I’ll just make an endpoint c… [more]