Software Engineer vs. Software Developer

What is the difference between a Software Engineer and a Software Developer? Or is there a difference?

So I've been building websites and web apps since we used to be called Web Masters. Which is a long time. And I've watched the industry change a lot over that time. I've even discussed some of those changes in a talk I gave at Utah JS conf a few years ago.

The long and short of it though is that these two titles are likely indistinguishable. But, I think it is worth expanding on what the differences might be.

Software Developer feels like it was that title that we were using 5-10 years ago, as the industry was changing. I have had this title, and lots of places still use it. But, it does feel a little bit older, and perhaps less rigorous.

In my experience companies that use the Engineer title tend to be a little more academic in their approach. Meaning more talk of algorithms and more legitimate Computer Science degrees then you often find at companies that use the Developer title.

If nothing else companies that use the Engineer title are trying to tie themselves to the other engineering trades. Tie themselves to a more mature and rigorous tradition. Does this mean they do anything different? Nope. Most likely not. But the histories that we attach ourselves to matter, and so it is likely that the title they choose to use will reflect aspects of their culture.

To bring it back around... is there really a difference? Probably not. But Software Engineer feels like it has, or is attempting to have, a greater level of rigor in its approach to software development. Or at least to sound more prestigious than the Software Developer role. Which probably does manifest itself in company culture.

Originally published in my newsletter

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Published: 27 January 2023 | Tags: culture