Team! A Module For Teams!

Recently I found myself with some time on my hands... so I wrote a simple module for managing engineering team member information in automation projects.

Basically I was working on some automation between Slack, OpsGenie, and JIRA to simplify the on call and support process. What I realized was that the more automation built that needed engineer meta information (github ID, email, JIRA ID, OpsGenie ID, etc.) the better it would be to have a central place to keep all of that information up to date.

In the past I've done something similar, but just using a JSON file, or yml file. To make my life easier in the future, and maybe yours, I took those thoughts and produced this template repo. It gives us a nice central place to keep information, self publishes a private module, and some convenience functions for easier use.


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Published: November 6 2024 9:55 MDT | Tags: engineering , build tooling , opensource